Taking time to step back to think with a professional thought partner can be the critical ‘unlock’ to greater opportunity. We help you move beyond blind spots and self-limiting patterns to increased perspective, possibility, and longer-term potential.
Each year we protect dedicated time to work with select leaders in a customized, confidential, one-on-one collaboration. Our VIP package provides a full range of access, from proactive deep-dive strategic work to “red phone” support. We utilize best-in-class methodologies, tools, and a variety of ‘lenses’ to challenge you to more fully become the leader you aspire to be.
We understand the “achiever” drive to continue progressing and advancing through levels, titles, and expanded roles over time. However, when overly fixated on these goals, we can neglect to engage a passionate following, including the stakeholder relationships key to our continued advancement and growth. A key question to ask ourselves is, “Why would [peers, senior leaders, etc.] want to follow me?”
We are often trained to build “firewalls” separating who we are “at work” from who we are as a “human being.” However, Authentic Leadership is about the effective incorporation of who we are and how we lead. Studies show that “authentic leaders” are more effective at leading their organizations and teams to incomparable results.
Leaders who benefit most from coaching tend to personify a “Growth Mindset” (Carol Dweck). This includes an inner passion and drive to challenge ourselves to learn, grow, and reach for our higher potential. We believe this is a journey, not a destination, for as we grow, so does our potential and capacity to do and be more over time.
Another benefit of our approach is building the capacity to periodically pause… notice, acknowledge, and build on progress. It may come as no surprise that most of the executives we work with are perpetually fixed on “the next milestone.” The added value of this “strategic pause” is to recognize what made our progress possible so we can strategically build on it. This can evolve into customized tenets, or a “playbook” for increasing momentum and traction toward the next breakthrough. It also reminds us to acknowledge the diverse “Stakeholders” (our teams, peers, key partners, family) who contribute to making our journey possible, and so we remember to continue to bring them with us toward the next strategic milestone.
We also leverage insights from “The surprising truth about what motivates us” (Daniel Pink). His research uncovered that our three primary motivators are a sense of Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose. Our aim is to engage all three throughout our collaboration, as we believe these are also at the heart of an effective coaching relationship.