Guiding Principles​

“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, but they will remember how you made them feel.”
— Maya Angelou

Guiding Principles​

“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, but they will remember how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou

As we approached the end of our first year in business in December 2007, the 2008 recession loomed ever nearer, yet our company continued to grow. We paused during the year-end holidays to reflect on how clients, colleagues, friends, and family members from diverse backgrounds and geographies were making that possible.
This experience shaped our Philosophy of Giving (our annual “pay it forward” program) and forged the principles that guide our business to this day. These are more than words on a page to us—they infuse everything we do and represent who we aspire to be in this work, and in the world.
Vision Driftwood Teepee

Leaders Improving Our World for Good.

A virtuous flywheel of enlightened, visionary, purpose-driven executives leading thriving organizations creating sustainably healthy communities worldwide.

To 100x Authentically Effective Leaders improving our world for good.

Accelerating the growth and effectiveness of leaders who aspire to be the best version of themselves while delivering strategic value that sustainably improves our world for all. 

Core Values

• Confidentiality – the foundation of our collaboration.
• Respect – for diverse values, perspectives, and aspirations.
• Empathy – for your unique experience throughout our journey.
• Dedication – to effective collaboration in support of your goals.
• Integrity – doing the right thing.
• Sustainable Value – a tailored process that serves you for good.

• Integrity to maintain the confidentiality of our coaching conversations.
• Courage to constructively challenge you to stretch, learn, apply and grow.
• Empathy for your unique experience along the way.
• Insight to help you unlock your deepest potential.
• Dedication to helping you achieve sustainable results.

Telescope Vision
Steine Yin Yang

Leadership Philosophy

• Choice – to step up and serve something larger than our selves.
• Drive – to engage others in fulfilling a meaningful vision.
• Journey – to greater self-awareness, clarity of intention, and deliberate impact.
• Dedication – to resiliently adapting to ever-changing landscapes.
• Calling – to leave the world better than we found it.

• From the inside-out, increasing our EQ* even as we leverage our IQ.
• As we internalize a growth mindset within ourselves and our organizations.
• As we scale our beneficial impact through developing ourselves and the leaders of tomorrow.
• As we deepen our adaptive skills for leading transformational change.
• As our behaviors speak clearly of the positive example we aspire to be.

* EQ is a common acronym for "Emotional Intelligence Quotient," which refers to the effectiveness of one's interpersonal skills.